Adding a teenage driver to your auto insurance policy can significantly raise your premiums. However, with some smart strategies, you can keep costs low and still get good coverage. Here are tips for finding cheap car insurance rates for teen drivers.
Research Discounts
Look into discounts offered by insurance companies. Many insurers provide reductions for:
Good student discounts - Teens who maintain a B average or higher can save up to 25%.
Driver's ed discounts - Taking accredited defensive driving courses can lower premiums by up to 10%.
Low mileage discounts - Driving less than a set number of miles per year earns up to 15% off.
Multi-policy discounts - Bundling auto with homeowners or renters insurance cuts rates by about 10%.
Increase Deductibles
Choosing higher deductibles, like $500 or $1,000 rather than $250, lowers premiums substantially. Just be sure you can afford the out-of-pocket costs if there's a claim.
Compare Rates
The Jacobson Agency partners with 50+ insurance companies to be able to compare them all to make sure to get you the best rates and coverage, even with a teen driver! Reach out to see what we can do for you! Call/Text: 385-294-0686
Limit Driving Risks
Set rules against distracted driving and late-night trips, which raise accident risks. Drive safer cars with safety features like airbags and ABS. All this keeps insurance costs down.
By finding discounts, comparing rates, and limiting risks, you can get the best value insurance for teen drivers. Focus on finding the right balance of low cost and sufficient coverage. We are licensed in Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Texas, and 10 more states!